Error while setting server report parameters

When you are preparing to export / run SSRS Report, on that time you may access the following mentioned error.
“Error while setting server report parameters. Error message: The permissions granted to user '[DOMAIN\USERNAME]' are insufficient for performing this operation. (rsAccessDenied)“.
Error while setting server report parameters
Here we can see the way to clear the error in simple manner in step by step view
Best Solution:
Error while setting server report parameters 1
Replace the Application-tier as report server path by finding through the Reports node, and view the properties of the reports.Error while setting server report parameters 2
  • Click the Properties tab and click New Role Assignment.Error while setting server report parameters 3
  • In Group or User Name = Everyone, and select all the options for allocating the users to see the reports.Error while setting server report parameters 4
  • Click OK button.
  • Now you can generate the SSRS Report.
  • For more Details follow here: See More
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