Setup and configuration for Account Payable module in AX 2012

Setup and configuration for Account Payable module in AX 2012

Account Payable Parameters

Setup and configuration for Account Payable module in AX 2012

One-time vendor account – This will use for one-time supplier
Setting up a onetime customer can be useful if you do a lot of small transactions and don’t want to keeping a lot of records about those customers. You can still use the sale order to manage the sale but flag it as using the onetime customer and enter basic details about the customer when you create the order.
Tax exempt number requirement – Tax exempt number must be specified for regular vendor attached to the selected country or region
Mandatory tax group – Mandatory field Tax group on Vendor

Setup and configuration for Account Payable module in AX 2012

Post Posting receipt in ledger – field to update the Product receipt on Ledger
Matched Product receipts inquiry – It display matched Product receipt while posting the invoices
Supplier Invoice Number – Display the Supplier Invoice number while making Invoice
Invoice – Shows supplier delivery address on Invoice
Update order Lines – It Updates automatically when modifying the sales order header

Setup and configuration for Account Payable module in AX 2012

Use document date for vendor invoices – Invoice document date when entering vendor and tax
Default settlement type for credit notes – Specify which settlement is made, when a credit note is created
Post charge account in ledger – While making the ledger post the extra or additional charges
Credit note as correction – Consider vendor credit note as correction to invoice
Check the invoice number used – Shows the duplicate invoice number per supplier be checked
Tax exempt number requirement – select the country or region tax exempt number required before making out an invoice
Require document date on vendor invoice – While making an invoice requires to made a document date is mandatory or not
Activate invoice payment groups – This check box will let to the users add invoices to payment groups
Use invoice groups for the company – This check box to activate invoice groups for vendor invoices
Default code for invoice group – Value to use the code for Invoice group
Custom code for invoice group – Custom code to use for new invoice groups. User can able to overwrite this code to the invoice
Custom code to web service invoice – Custom code to use for invoice created by the web service

Setup and configuration for Account Payable module in AX 2012

Enable invoice matching validation – Enable setup of price tolerance percentage difference between invoice price and PO prices
Invoice totals matching – Variance between the expected invoice totals and actual invoice totals is compared to the tolerance
Price and quantity matching – Controls the Purchase line quantity and override with the Purchase order line
Charges matching – Purchase order invoice charges and invoice charges are compared to the tolerance
Ledger and tax
Posting – Posting profile set as a default, Price discount and receipt posting on Item or vendor based
Promissory notes – Posting profile for Promissory notes
Payment proposal – Warning when the payment proposal returns more than one method of payment
Prepayment – Tax – Tax must be detected for payment with Prepayment
Prepayment – Posting profile with prepayment – Posting profile used when payment is marked as prepayment
Prepayment – Posting profile with prepayment - Posting profile used when the invoice is marked as a prepayment
Cash flow forecast – Code that indicates the period between delivering and invoice
Tax – Making the tax updating while making the Invoice or Purchase order
Customs – Override to tax amounts on vendor invoice are preserved. Otherwise tax engine calculation may remove auto

Setup and configuration for Account Payable module in AX 2012
Credit limit type – Level of credit note control while making the invoice
Setup and configuration for Account Payable module in AX 2012
Automatic settlement – Making settlement while making the posting journal
Cash discount administration – shows calculated discount as unspecific or specific
Maximum penny difference – shows the minimum penny difference for settlement
Maximum overpayment or underpayment – Display maximum overpayment or underpayment amount
Allow discount discounts to be calculated if an invoice is only partially paid
Calculate the discount if a credit note is payment terms
Discount offset account – Select the amount of offset while applying the discount
Closed transactions editions – settlement made before version 2.5 can be referred to closed transaction edition
Purchase invoice – Journal name – Journal name to be used for importing invoices from vendors
Confirmation of product receipt – If selected allows to take three-way match for Purchase order lines
Brokerage and royalty –
If you calculate royalties on a weekly basis, in the Royalties field group, in the Starting day of week field, select the day of the week on which to calculate royalties.

In the Royalty agreements form, click Create a new record, and in the upper pane, on the Overview tab, enter the vendor and unit information for the royalty agreement.
Number sequence
You can set up all required number sequences at the same time by using the Set up number sequences wizard, or you can create or modify individual number sequences by using the Number sequences form.
Account Payable workflow
Controls the Business process like approvals based on the Hierarchy structures
Vendor posting profile
Defines the ledger posting from Vendor to track the transactions
Summary update parameter
Setup for summary updates rules for determining which purchase order can be controlled
Vendor group – Vendor account is linked with the Ledger account

Setup and configuration for Account Payable module in AX 2012

Vendor exception groups – This form to define groups that can be assigned to vendors who are exempt from invoice validation rules
Vendor Reason – this setup is for explanations or transaction or other actions
Broker – differential reasons – Setup for reason why a broker was credited more or less than qualified
Policies – Setup for vendor invoice policy, rule types and workflow participant tokens
Invoice matching – Setup for invoice total matching tolerances, policy, price matching and charges matching tolerances
Charges – Setup to track sales amounts or purchase amounts in addition to line items, you can use charges codes, you can mention the charges based on vendor and Items
Terms of delivery – Setup for making the delivery terms while making the delivery process.
Setup for modifications on the working form and payable sorting parameters
Setup for making the duty, terms and conditions, payment calendar date, Payment schedules, method of payment, payment configuration for the specific vendor you can made the configurations in Payment.
Aging period - You can define the ageing period definition based on the colour code.
Line of the Business - Setup for the line of business in which the vendor operates
Import invoice number - Setup for import the Invoice number to the particular vendor account

Setup and configuration for Account Payable module in AX 2012

Bill of entry number – Setup for bill entry number update
Cover page for payment report – Setup for fields which you want to see in the reports
Setup and configuration for Account Payable module in AX 2012